Tuesday, January 24, 2023
If you are a team leader or manager looking to move to a higher executive position, it’s important to start by earning respect from your current team. As a leader, you want to be able to influence the team to make good decisions, work well together, and achieve results. All of those things come from a foundation of respect towards you as a leader.
Respect is not something that is automatically given—it has to be earned. You need to show yourself to be a leader that is worthy of respect. There are many effective ways to make your team respect you which can help you lead with confidence and grow in your leadership skills. This will help you achieve your goal to reach an executive-level position or other career goals that you might have.
Let’s look at the six top ways that you can earn respect from your team.
Complete your thoughts with confidence.
We’ve all been in meetings with high-level executives or other leaders who are speaking their mind with strength and force. There are some people who speak with such a level of confidence that it might feel challenging to insert your own opinion. But, to make an impact as a leader, you need to speak to let your voice be heard in those situations.
You have knowledge, experience, and insights to offer to the team—it is actually your professional and moral obligation to let your voice be heard, advocate for yourself, or express yourself authentically. So, make sure to project your voice and confidently speak your mind. Don’t let people interrupt you and make sure you complete your thoughts.
You absolutely do not need to be rude and pushy to do this! It’s not about speaking up just to hear your own voice. Rather, it’s about effectively communicating your views in terms of their highest values.
Why does this work well? People are naturally going to be dedicated to fulfilling their own values, not our values or anybody else’s values. Therefore, if and when they perceive that you are communicating messages in a manner that clearly helps them fulfill what is most meaningful and important to them, they become receptive and listen with respect.
Compliment others with sincerity.
From a place of genuine confidence in yourself and your abilities, attempt to demonstrate your self-confidence by recognizing inwardly and outwardly the skills and abilities of other people. By genuinely complimenting other people, you are demonstrating that you are secure enough in your own skill set to lift people up in theirs.
The key is to be genuine. Delivering fake compliments or praising false attributes isn’t going to produce desirable outcomes. Keep your eyes open for things to recognize people on your team for that demonstrate evidence of growth and contribution. This establishes that you are fair and honest, laying a foundation of respect from your team. It will also show that you are a team player, despite being the leader—you can recognize that it takes a team effort and you all have something to contribute.
Create an armor of protection with your posture.
Each person in any conversation has a frame that creates posture and positioning. Think about the frame as an invisible shield or armour that protects you from the external influences. This is demonstrated in your posture and how you carry yourself. A posture that makes you small, taking up little space, can subconsciously give the impression that you are unsure, timid, or unable to lead well.
In contrast, a large posture that stands tall and takes up space shows that you are in charge, confident, and able to lead a team of people. It’s about extending that frame of protection to encompass everyone in the room with you. You want to transfer certainty to those with you so that they feel protected and safe in your presence. Use your posture to open up space and invite people in.
Control your time with boundaries.
Time is a finite resource—once it is spent, you can’t get it back! This differs from other resources like money, where you can spend or invest it a certain way, and then earn it back in another way. When you spend money, you can always make it back. But once time is spent, there is no way to get that time back.
Because of this reality, time needs to be protected like the valuable resource it is. Respect your time and set up boundaries to protect it. If you respect your time, others will too. When setting boundaries, you don’t need to communicate in a way that is demanding or micromanaging. Instead, focus on the facts at hand and keep it neutral. Draw clear lines around your time and your team will respect you for it.
Command the room with your presence.
This tip is for everyone, not just the people who are naturally loud and outgoing. Even someone who is calm and soft-spoken can learn to command the room with their presence. It has to do with how you modulate your voice to ensure that everyone you are speaking to can hear you and understand what you are saying.
This is particularly important when giving a presentation or speaking in a large group of people. Start by pausing to command the room. Ensure you are speaking with confidence and authority from the start in order to set the tone of the talk.
A lot of this comes with practice and determination, as well as total confidence in your own value and the value of the information you need to provide. By commanding a room with confidence, you are earning the respect of those who are listening to you.
Call people out with compassion.
There are times when a leader needs to call out someone on the team. This is one of the challenging parts of being a leader, but can be something that will gain respect from your team if handled well.
If a person needs to be called out for being disrespectful or irresponsible, it’s important to do so with compassion. Understand that there may be other people around, so always approach it from a place of genuinely wanting to help them grow professionally and personally.
By calling out people with compassion, you are showing genuine care for their character development. Instead of micromanaging their behaviour, you are calling them to a higher standard. This will gain the respect of your team because they will see that you genuinely care.
To be an effective leader, you need a team that respects you and your decisions. To do so, try following the six tips that we’ve laid out here. The more you implement these things into your daily work, the more your team will respect you. This can help lay a solid foundation for future career growth and opportunities.
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