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How to Stop Procrastinating in 3 Easy Steps

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Do you perceive that you are procrastinating on the things you know are important?

Or that you aren’t achieving your most meaningful goals because it’s hard to break the habit of procrastination?

Procrastination is the thief of time. It robs us of hours, days and weeks. It causes stress, guilt and disappointment. This happens because procrastination destroys our precious self-esteem. Procrastinators feel guilty because they realize there are things that need to be done but they just can’t bring themselves to do it at that moment.

Knowing the real reason why you procrastinate and learning how to live by your true life purpose can transform your life and awaken your highest productivity.

What Is Procrastination?

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task until a later time. Contrary to popular belief, procrastination is not an indication of laziness. Procrastinating on a goal is not an indication that there’s something wrong with you because it is not a flaw.

When we procrastinate, we are actually avoiding unpleasant tasks instead of dealing with them head on. Although it seems as if we’re just being lazy and letting ourselves get distracted by more pleasant tasks, it’s not that simple.

The act of procrastination is a feedback mechanism to let you know that what you are pursuing is misaligned with what is genuinely important to you. It is there to let you know that the objective or goal that you are pursuing is not aligned with your true authentic self.

The Real Reason Why You Procrastinate

There are many misconceptions about why procrastination occurs. Some misconceptions that are perpetuated socially and psychologically include:

Fear of failure – Many people fear failure so much that they don’t even try to accomplish their goals. They simply avoid the tasks they need to do in order to reach their desired level of success.

Fear of Success – A fear of success may stop some people from working on tasks that require significant effort. For example, someone who is afraid of succeeding may avoid studying for an exam because they don’t want to learn new information and improve their grade point average.

Perfectionism – Perfectionists often put off tasks until the last minute because they want everything to be perfect before they start working on it.

Lack of motivation – If you think about doing something but you don’t feel like doing it, then you might be lacking in motivation to complete the task. You can fix this by thinking about why you’re doing something or what benefit it will bring you. Sometimes, just changing your attitude toward a particular task can help motivate you to get to work on time.

However, all of the above are simply symptoms of procrastination that don’t point towards the real reason why you procrastinate. If you focus only on relieving the symptoms of procrastination, the effects are short-lived because the root cause is still there. Hence when you reflect on your life, you can identify areas where motivation goes up in the moment we are actively working on raising our energy, only to quickly lose motivation again shortly afterwards.

The root cause of procrastination is values misalignment. Whether or not you are aware of it, your decisions, actions, and achievements are a reflection of your highest values when you are in your authentic self.

When your goals and objectives are aligned with your highest values, you will naturally be inspired to carry them out. You will have motivation from within yourself, you will naturally be willing to take the actions towards achieving those goals, and you will feel inspired along the way.

If your goals and objectives are misaligned with your highest values, the opposite happens. You will require external motivation to get going and keep going, you will feel frustrated along the way, and you will procrastinate.

The essence of where the procrastination and frustration comes from is that misaligned goals aren’t genuinely important to you. Perhaps you thought that these goals were something that you should pursue, but anything we think we should do are social imperatives that aren’t reflective of what we truly value.

It means that you’ve been so busy trying to live the life that you think you “should” be living that you haven’t really thought about living a life that truly inspires you.

Step 1. Clarify your true values.

Your life is already a reflection of everything that is important to you, in ascending to descending order. Whatever is the highest or most important, you will automatically be inspired from within to do it, and you will not procrastinate on it.

Your actions speak louder than your words. If you catch yourself saying, “I want to do this, but I just keep sabotaging it and not doing it”, it’s likely that you don’t consciously know what your true highest values are and what is evidently most important.

Throughout most of your life, you have been receiving instructions and influences from outside authorities such as parents, teachers, religious belief systems and media. These authorities have been programming you to adopt other people’s values, and on a subconscious level have caused you to pursue certain goals and objectives that aren’t really yours, and then wonder why you are not fulfilling them.

The outcome is that you develop fantasies that you are going to do something that’s not really as important as you initially imagined it to be.

Define what is truly and genuinely important to you. Look at what the evidence in your life is showing you what is important to you. List out your values from highest to lowest.

Give yourself permission to be honest about your values as they are. The goal at this step is just to bring to your conscious awareness what your values actually are so that you can take the next step.

Step 2. Prioritize your life according to your values.

Structure your life by priority and focus on doing the highest priority daily actions. Aim to fulfill what is truly most important to you at any one moment in time.

Do this for every aspect of your life: career, family, social, wealth and finances, spiritual, mental and intellectual, and health.

Step 3. Take consistent and inspired actions every day.

Write down your priorities every day. Aim to fill your day with high-priority actions that inspire you and move you towards your goals and objectives that are aligned with your true values.

This step is important because if you don’t plan out your days intentionally and fill them with high-priority actions, then your days will automatically get filled with low-priority items that don’t inspire you.

Actions elevate confidence and drive out fear. Any time where you are scared to take action on something truly important to you, break it down into bite-sized action steps.

So, take five minutes at the beginning of each day to review your schedule and jot down what actions you will take.

Here are some tips to help you plan:

Set goals and objectives that are truly inspiring to you and aligned with your values.
Break each goal into smaller action steps and tackle them one at a time.

Be specific on exactly what each action step is going to be, noting down the exact time and location for it.

Identify what metrics are appropriate for measuring progress.

Reward yourself for finishing each action step.

Reassess your goals regularly to ensure that they are aligned with your highest values.

Consider delegating, deleting, or delaying some of your lower priority activities that may not be aligned with your highest values but may still be important.

Accountability is the multiplier for success. When we set out to make improvements to ourselves and our lives, transformation is key. Information alone doesn’t transform. My coaching program, Awaken to Vocation, is an empowerment program for educated, career-driven professionals who value making a meaningful contribution as much as they value making a good living. It is designed to help you master your professional destiny, elevate your vocational confidence, and dominate your life purpose. Guard your future.

Apply HERE for an opportunity to work with me.

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